Now that some of our young photographers have taken some pictures, it is time to edit them on the computer. Thanks to the school here in Quinhagak, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, we are able to edit our photos on 12 borrowed MacBooks.
We started out with some simple editing on Preview. We learned how to crop images to cut out some of the empty space or get rid of things that we don't want from the background. Also there are many ways to adjust the color of the image, for example if the image was underexposed (not enough light) we can change that under tools to make it lighter. We try to take the best photos we can at the time, but it is good to know that we can fix almost anything on the computer.
After editing our photos we save them on our very own USB drives. It is important to organize our photos into files by date or subject, that way we can find them easily and keep track, remembering always to make a copy of the picture we are editing so that we have the original file as well.
Tonight is the first night we get to start taking the cameras home. Four of us were selected and are responsible for the cameras (remembering if we lose or break them, there are no replacements). We are exited to be able to take the cameras home, that way we can take pictures of life at home as part of our photo essays for our Photographic Time Travel Art Show.