4 March 2015

Materials, Objects & Practices Sketches

Today we were hard at work choosing which material we want to use in our final pieces (pencils, color pencils, or chalk pastels), which of the archaeological artifacts we wanted to inspire our work, and practicing sketches for our final pieces.  Some of us have chosen to draw reconstructions of objects as they looked when they were in use and other have chosen to draw scenes of life 500 years ago.  After we have our practice sketches done, we get a piece of loose paper to start the final draft.

We have also been looking at some books about Yup'ik culture for reference images to help with reconstruction drawings (some of the books we looked at are listed on the references page on the blog).  The historical material from around 100 years ago is very similar to some of the things we have been looking at from the Nunalleq site which is around 500 years older than that.  Pretty cool.