Saturday was our big art show! Many of our young artists were there to display their hard work. As good hosts, when our specially invited elders arrived they were offered tea and coffee. Friends and family from the village stopped by to check out our drawings too.
Some of us where pretty nervous, others were just kind of squirrely. After the elders looked around at all of our drawings, we had a chance to ask some questions about life in the past. The young artists had brainstormed some questions the day before, like...
- How did you tell times without clocks?
- What kind of fur did you use to make parkas?
- Did you ever see women with tattoos on their faces?
- Where did you go to the bathroom before indoor plumbing?
The young artists started out quite shy and were hesitant to ask questions, but later everyone started to relax and conversations started. We were happy to have Joshua Cleveland, Marie Smith, John Smith, Nick Mark, Annie Cleveland, and John Fox there to share about life in the past. We are looking forward to continuing to develop our relationships with these knowledgeable people.
The artworks on display ranged from hunting scenes to reconstructed masks, even SpongeBob appeared doing a Yup'ik dance with dance fans and all.
(Girl Cutting Fish Nasaurlaq Neqliulria)
Amber Aciuaralria Jones
(A Hunter Looking for a Seal or Getting a Seal)
Amber Aciuaralria Jones
(Doll Irniaruaq)
Cassidy Cacungaq Henry Cassidy Cacungaq Henry
(Doll with Friends) (Puppy Learning)
Darryl Kisngalria Small Jr.
(Finished Spear Narula Kassuun)
(Giving Doll to Younger Sister)
Destiny Ciukaq Sam
(Girl Showing Off Her New Doll)
Helena Angassaaqun Sam
(Dolls... You're Not Alone)
Jawna Quriciq Williams
(Mixed Color)
Jawna Quriciq Williams
(Harpoon Hunting)
Jawna Quriciq Williams(Super Doll)
Jawna Quriciq Willaims
(Little Man Cingsii)
Jawna Quriciq Williams
(Dancing SpongeBob Yuyaraq SpongeBob)
Jonelle Assiq Matthew
(Doll with Berries)
Kaitlyn Arnariaq Henry
(Creepy Mask)
Kari Nagtaq Hawk
(Men Hunting)
Kayleen Ciugun Nicolai
Kayleen Ciugun Nicolai
Kayleen Ciugun Nicolai
(Spear Point Cingilek)
Leah Kuimumaar Mark
(Doll with Toys Irniaruaq Nuanguaq)
Marissa Jones
Marita Nengqalria Tunutmoak
(Spear Hunting 500 Years Ago Arrow Points Cingilek)
Megan Acivran Cleveland
Meghan Cingarkaq Cleveland
(Two sides of a Mask Kinaquq)
Mikayla Arnaluk White
(Doll Face Irniaruam Keginaa)
(Walrus Necklace)
Pauline Al'aq Roberts
(Fox Hunting Kaviaq Pisurtuq)
Teyana Al'aq Brown
And our two artists who are young at heart...
Pauline Matthew
Jacquelyn Graham
(Gaming by Seal Oil Lamp)